SALGBA Board Nomination Form - 2025

Participation in SALGBA’s Board of Directors provides Public Sector Members an opportunity to make a contribution in public sector employee benefits, including: enhancing education concerning effective employee benefits programs, the most cost-effective ways to manage employee benefits, and through the significant dollar savings which accrue from effective employee benefit programs.


Deadline to submit nominations for the SALGBA 2025 Board Ballot is February 17, 2025.

Nominee's Name:
Nominee's Title:
Nominee's Professional Designations:
Nominee's Employer:
Nominee's Email Address:
Nominee's Phone Number:
How long has nominee been a member of SALGBA?:
List past SALGBA Conferences (both national and regional) that Nominee has attended.:
Has Nominee served on a SALGBA Committee?:
If Nominee has served on a SALGBA Committee please list committee(s).:
Why would nominee be a good candidate for the SALGBA Board of Directors?:
Does Nominee have previous board experience?:
Please attached Nominee's resume or bio.:
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
Please attach photo of Nominee in jpg format.:
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 1.0 MB)
By submitting this nomination, I acknowledge reading the Entity Endorsement information below and my commitment to SALGBA should I be elected.:

Participation in SALGBA’s Board of Directors also carries with it certain time commitments, commitments of your personal time and commitments of time away from your office.  

The following gives you some idea of this commitment:
•    Directors serve two-year terms. 
•    Board meetings are usually held as follows:  
      Spring—1 day in conjunction with Annual Conference
      Fall—September/October -3 days  
•    Board members are assigned to chair a committee.  Committee work can generally be conducted and    completed from your office.
•    SALGBA usually pays most of the travel costs to attend the Fall Board Meeting, but not for the meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference.
Because of this, SALGBA requires you secure the support of your entity to serve on the Board of Directors.

I have read this application regarding Entity Endorsement to serve on SALGBA’s Board of Directors.  I understand the obligations should I be elected to the Board and my entity is supportive of this involvement.